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                                                                                                                                            Shanley + Polly Guckian
                                                                                                                                     Thomas Shanley + Rose Leddy
  Charles Gilbride + Margaret Moran                                                		               |          |          |          |         |                          |                   |                      |             |                    |                              |
  1842-1943                                                                                                Janie          John       Patrick    Thomas    Eliza                      Francis             William                Teresa        Kate                 Rose Anne                      Michael
  (b.11.12.1842 died aged 85 (headstone)                                                      m. Thomas O'Rourke          m.3 times                       m. O'Boy                   m. Brigid Moran     m. Winifred Turbitt    m. Canning    m. Martin Doran      m. T. Guckian                  m. Annie Guckian 
  |                                                                                                            |          Provedence                      (2 daughters, Provedence)  |                   |                      no children   |                    (no offspring)                 |
  |                                                                                                            |                                                                     |                   |                                    |_________________________                          |  
  |                                                                                                            | The above Shanleys were born in Sheafield, Kiltoghert Parish,       |                   |                                    |      |        |         |                         |
  |                                                                                                            | Leitrim Post Office, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co. Leitrim. and  were     |                   |                                    John   Tom      Maurice  "Baby" (name unknown)      | 
  |                                                                                                            | baptised in Gowel Church, Deffeir, Co. Leitrim.                     |                   |___________________________________________________                                     |
  |                                                                                                            | There is a headstone dating back to early 1700 with the Shanley     |                   |      |    |        |        |         |           |                                    | 
  |                                                                                                            | name in Kiltoghet. ("Sheafield" is pronounced like "Sheffield" in   |                   Paddy. Joe. Francis. Farrell. RoseAnne. Katie. Tessie                                    |
  |                                                                                                            | in England). The above are not listed in verifiable chronological   |                                                                                                            |
  |                                                                                                            | order.                                                              |                                                                             _______________________________|
  |                                                                                                            |                                                                     |                                                                            |         |        |            |  
  |                                                                                                            |                                                                     |___________________________________________                                 JohnJoe   RoseAnna Molly  Bernard 
  |                                                                                                            |                                                                     Tom. Frank. MikeyJoe. MaryAnne. Ellie. Katie.
  |                                                                                                            |                                    
  |                                                                                                            |
  |                                                                                                       Thomas     
  |         					     			                      [buried Kiltoghert        
  |                                                                                            in the 1930's]  |                          
  |                                                                                                            |
  |              										               |
  |_____________________________________________________                                                       |_______________________________________________________________________________________________   
  |            |          |          |       |          |                                                      |                           |             |               |                                     |
  Kate         Michael    Francis    Patrick John  Joseph                                                      James                       Thomas        John            Rose Anne                          Katherine (Kate)
  buried in    Dromahair  Kiltubrid  USA     USA   b. 1913.d.1947 [aged 34]                                    born ?.8.1884               b.1890                        b.15.3.1887. d.2.10.1969           m. John Costello
  Kiltubrid                                        m. Annie Moreton                                            Deffeir, Gowel              m. Annie ?                    m. Michael Francis Maguire         Kiltubrid, 
  with father                                      b. 8.6.1912                                                 d.5.3.1968,Kiltoghert(85)                                 m. May 6, 1914                     Drumshanbo.
  m. James O'Rourke                                                                                            married(1)                  Provedence Provedence         28 Inkerman St. Provedence
  |____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Kate Gilbride               Rhode Island. Rhode Island.   Rhode Island.
  |           |                                                    |                                           |
  |           |                                   		   |		      		               James married(2)
  |           |                                                    |                                           Mary Frances Graham.    
  |           Seamus. b. 5.2.1920.				   Cathal. b. 1918	  		       (1901-28/5/1951)
  |           d.--/--/--                                           d.28.6.84                                   |
  |           m.Nora White                                         m. Maureen Gildea                           |___________________________________________           
  |           |__________________________________        __________|________________________                   |            |       |          |           |
  |           |     |     |     |    |     |     |      |     |    |      |       |         |                  Tony         Sarah   Patrick    Carmel      Sean
  |           James Paddy Frank Tony Brian Sean Paul     John Tony Marita Charles Geraldine Philomena          b.24.7.1929  Nun     Priest     b.1934      1936 
  |                                                                                                            |                               d.1934      m.Maureen Holmes            
  |                                                                                                            |________________________ 
  |                                                                                                            |       |        |       |   
  |                                                                                                            Rowena  Deirdre  Leah    Amanda	
  |                                                                                                            b.1955  b.1959   b.1960  b.1966
  16/2/1916 - 25/2/1994
  Deffeir, Gowel, Co Leitrim.                                                                                                                     
  int.  Drogheda (St. Peter's cemetary)
  m.1939 Ena Cumiskey                                                                                                                                 USE YOUR "BACK" BUTTON TO RETURN TO OTHER PAGES.
  nee Rundle (b.29.11.1911, Drogheda. d.4/7/2000)
  int. Drogheda.                                                                                                                                                                                                 
  |              |                   |                   |              |               |                        |       
  Eugene Oliver  Charlotte Pauline   Henriette Cecilia   Benedict       Reginald Mary   Gerard Al                George Raphael 
  (Gene)         (Dinky)             (Hetty)             (Benny)        (Reg)           (Al)                     (Ralph)
  b.1942         b.?.7.45            b.?.7.46            b.22.3.1947.   b.11.5.48       b.15.10.52               b.20.11.57
                 m. Malcolm Duncan.  m. John Flynn       d.1.10.2006    m.Mary Jones    m. Jaquelyn Hewer.       m.Suzanne Hennessy
                 |                   |                                  |               |                        |
                 |                   |                                  |               |                        |__________________________________                                                                                      
                 |                   |                                  |               |                        |         |        |      |        |
                 |                   |                                  |               |                        |         |        |      |        |
                 |                   |                                  |               |                        Georgina. Pauline. James. Suzanne. Thomas.
		 |		     |______________     	        |     	        |       		 |                         |
		 |		     |		    |		        |	        |                        Jordan
		 |		     Clare.    Aidan		        |		|__________________        
		 |		     (-.-19)   (-.-.19		        |		|                  | 
		 |		     | 				        |		Mark Alan         Callan Georgina.                    	
                 |                   ?                                  |               (b/d.15.8.1976)   (b.13.1.80)        
		 |		     				        |                                  |		        
		 |		        			        |                                  |
	         |                   				        |_________________                Scarlett Marie
		 |		     				        |       |         |               (28.3.2013)
		 |		     				        Meabh.  Tadhg     Cian
                 |               |               |
                 Fiona           James     Siobhan
                 (b. 15.08.1966.   ------    ------
                 (d.  2.10.2011
                 |                |
                 Patrick          ?